sarimkernOct 4, 2021MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVORHow to maximize your odds and avoid "resulting" in business decisions Sari M. Kern, RN MBA On the radio the other day a former member of...
sarimkernAug 9, 2021APPLYING BUSINESS STRATEGIES TO PERSONAL LIFE DECISIONS Application of strategic decision-making should not be limited to just business. It helps to think strategically about long-term as well...
sarimkernAug 1, 2021UNDERSTANDING KPISKPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are metrics which ideally reflect the health of a business at a given point in time (usually monthly...
sarimkernJul 21, 2021TRUE INNOVATION IN HEALTHCARE - WHAT DOES IT ACTUALLY LOOK LIKE?Healthcare is a complicated industry with a lot of facets requiring improvement: quality of care, attainability, cost, insurance, coding,...
sarimkernJun 22, 2021How do you balance a consistent culture with diversity?by Paula Cizek Well-meaning leaders tend to want one culture—they want everyone to share the same values and goals, hoping to avoid...
sarimkernApr 6, 2020BUSINESS HIT BY COVID?In these unprecedented times, many of us are now having to balance more than we have ever had to. I personally am doing my best to...
sarimkernMar 18, 2020USING DATA TO PREVENT & FIGHT BUSINESS IMPLICATIONS OF COVID-19First, I hope you and yours are healthy and safe. Things are changing and we are not sure for how long – some of the latest projections...